
Madeggが英音楽ウェブサイトThe 405のMixシリーズに登場

京都在住の若きトラック・メイカーMadeggが英音楽ウェブサイトThe 405のMixシリーズThe Plastic Platformに登場。




Building Bridges - Maximum Joy
Go Go Ninja Dinosaur - Four Tet
Good Funny Day - Madegg
Summer Message - epic45
Circle None - Mice Parade
Oksat Pois - Tomutonttu
Gymnopedie - Dustin Wong
Silver Trees - Asura
Mind Bokeh - Bibio
How Far Can This Boat Go Out To Sea In Miles - Madegg
Chapter 8 - Seashore And Horizon - Cornelius

今19歳なのに子供の頃こんなの聴いてたの...。あ、でも"as a child"って言っているから、「子供になった気持ちで」っていう意味なんかな。うーん。 



Shenandoah Davis 『Sewn Up Tight』

シアトルを中心に活動する女性シンガーソングライターShenandoah Davisの『The Company We Keep』に収録された『Sewn Up Tight』のビデオが公開されました。


Shenandoah Davisは僕が初めてPrivate Dubでインタビューを担当したアーティストで、彼女の躍進にはなかなか感慨深いものがあります。

The Company We Keep』はBandcampで全曲試聴できます。オールドタイムな音作りが非常に面白い傑作なので、是非聴いてみて下さい。

Shenandoah Davis - Sewn Up Tight from Shenandoah Davis on Vimeo.

バレアリック・ポップデュオSouthern Shoresが新曲『New Love』をフリーで公開

カナダはトロントのBen DaltonとJamie Townsendからなる、エレクトロニック・ユニットSouthern Shoresから、新曲『New Love』がフリーで公開されました。


Chad ValleyやErika Springを輩出したCascine Recordsと契約したこの二人組。『New Love』も収録された新EP『New World』は10月リリース予定!この先が楽しみです。

via The Line Of Best Fit


Focus: D E N A

Blog Never Sleepsを徘徊していたら見つけたブルガリア出身のD E N A。

彼女のFacebookページを見てみると、「作曲とプログラミング」に集中するために近年ベルリンに活動の拠点を移したみたい。The Whitest Boy Aliveのアルバムにも二曲ボーカリストとして参加しているとか。

ビデオを見てもらえば分かるんですけど、この子ヒップスター感半端ないですよね。ファッションのダラダラ感と卓越したポップセンス。声と態度からにじみ出る獰猛なパーソナリティ (Who gives a fuck!?な感じ)。音数が少ないのもグッド。







実はこのゲストリストは、僕の親しい友人の協力によって実現しました。その友人と、Flake Recordsをぶらぶらしているときに「YeYeちゃんしってる?」と尋ねると、「あたし、なっちゅんと同じ大学通ってたし、何回かライブも遊びに行ったことあるよ!」と驚きの返事。無理を言ってコンタクトをとってもらいました。この場を借りて感謝します。ありがとう!


少し前になりますが、念願のIt's A Musical初来日の時は涙が出そうなくらいうれしかったです。


YeYe & BOaT(解散してますが...)


你有话想说,又不敢说(ni you hua xiang shuo, you bu gan shuo)

台湾のアーティスト盧廣仲(ルーグワンジョン)さんの「Oh Yeah!」という曲の最初の歌いだしのフレーズで、音のリズムが好きです。意味は「話したいことがあるけど、話す勇気がない」です。




「Tell Me / Fantastic Plastic Machine」です。










いわずもがな「BACK TO THE FUTUREシリーズ」です。




ずいぶん前にお兄ちゃんに教えてもらったYasei Collectiveが気になります。







YeYe Links:
Official Website

Live Info:

■day:2012年10月19日(金)、20日(土)、21日(日) *出演日は後日発表
■act:モーモールルギャバン, BiS, Limited Express(has gone?), ピアノガール, tricot,
ときめき☆ジャンボジャンボ, SuiseiNoboAz, Turntable Films, FLUID, シゼンカイノオキテ, YeYe
■place:京都 KBSホール

Boro Festa 2012 Official Website


New Trackmaker Talent from Osaka Releases Free Compilation “Yellow Print (Side A)”

New trackmaker talent from Osaka releases free compilation “Yellow Print (Side A)”
One of the contributors to the compilation, Soleil Soleil, did a little explaining about the name “Puredogma”:

“The name of the compilation is Yellow Print, and we’re releasing it from puredogma. This isn’t a label, it’s an idea of Paul’s to help us tackle some more creative endeavors.”

The comp. can be downloaded for free from the widget below.
(Though, after translating this article, I kind of think Name Your Price would be a little more reasonable.)


Gay Vegan Vinyl CassetteよりNever SleepsとSUPER VHSのスプリットシングルが登場

日本の良質なインディーミュージックを紹介し続けるブログGay Vegan Vinyl Cassetteより、寂寥の音楽を奏でるElen Never SleepsとローファイなSUPER VHSのスプリットシングル『White Surrender/Stuck On You』がフリーでリリースされました。

このGay Vegan Vinyl Cassetteは国内中のインディーミュージシャンをコンパイルした『Ç86』も記憶に新しいですね。

そして両方の曲を調理したのが当ブログでもおなじみの東京のベッドルームプロデューサーTaquwamiさん(と彼の別名でファンキーなハウス・プロジェクトOccult You)。


(via Make Believe Melodies)


大阪の新鋭トラックメイカーたちがフリーコンピ『Yellow Print (Side A)』をリリース

大阪の新鋭のトラックメイカーが五人集まってフリーコンピ『Yellow Print(SideA)』をリリースしました。

コントリビューターの一人であるSoleil SoleilがTwitterでこの『Puredogma』について以下のように解説しています。

コンピのタイトルはYellow Printで発表元はpuredogmaとなってます。これはレーベルとかでは無くて、これを通して独創的な事をやって行こうって言うポールのアイデアやと思います。

(ただあの記事を翻訳してからは、値段設定はName Your Priceにするのが合理的かな、とは思ってしまいます。)


Guest Lists: Yosuke Inoue (Turntable Films)

Guest Lists is a corner where selected artists share some of their recent obsessions.

Our guest this time is Yousuke Inoue, frontman for the breezy Kyoto rock band Turntable Films, who just released their masterpiece first album earlier this year. We’ve mentioned them on the site here and there for awhile now. There’s an interview worth checking out at Private Dub as well.

As with last time, the artist has allowed Simon Says 100 exclusive free downloads to an unreleased track, “Casual Day” (as of current, the download limit has been reached, but the track can still be listened to from the soundcloud player at the bottom of the page).

With the only backing instrument being a single acoustic guitar, and lyrics in Japanese (vs. the typical all English), this is a very special Turntable Films track.

Best recent concert I’ve seen:
M.Ward at Fuji Rock Festival

I felt panick-y the moment he came out. I know his shows have their rough moments, but I like him so much I didn’t care in the slightest. I’m a fan.

First song I learned to play
“Diamond Head”, The Ventures.

As it was the only song I could play for awhile, I would pretty much play it all day for weeks at a time. Though back then and even now it’s not really a song I particularly love or anything. It’s a bit gloomy, I think. But I still know how to and can play it.

Favorite comedian
Hitoshi Matsumoto.

Somebody about 20 asked me the same question recently and they told me I have old tastes

Dream Collaboration

The director’s Greg Mottola, the writers are Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, and it even has Seth Rogen! This is, the dream team, I thought. Though, when I watched it, maybe my expectations were too high, but it wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be. Still, I want them to work on something again. I’d watch it for sure.

Favorite purchase of this year
A Sonny D ukulele.

I didn’t it buy it so much as someone gave it to me, but I love it.

Last record I bought
The Red Bird Story compilation.

Recently I’m into the golden era of US pop music and pre-wartime Japanese jazz vocalists, so this was something I’d been looking for.

Bad habit

Watching myself talk on our live DVD came as a pretty big shock. Really need to stop.

Someone I admire

Who, I just said but, I was very happy to finally be able to see. I have a poster of him in my room too. Although, he’s not exactly the coolest looking guy, just a regular middle aged dude. But I’m still a huge fan.

Favorite movie
High Fidelity

I like the feeling of wondering if I’m going to finally grow out of it or not each time I watch it, and I like the scenes that really pander to music fans.

Favorite music video
John Lenon’s “Oh Yoko!”

The greatest love can be a lot like a comedy.
And it’s great how it’s just such a great song.

Favorite venue

Great at-home feeling. Great food too.

Last book I've read
Piano no mori (Piano Forest)

You really feel like you could play the piano just by reading it.

Most played record of this year
“Message From Work”, Chris Weismen.

Strange music, with the ability to really hook you to it. Pretty insane genius, I think.

Favorite spot
Veranda at my place.

Like playing guitar there.

Favorite finger food
Pickles. And slightly spicy pickles.

Yosuke Inoue Links:
Turntable Films

Live info:

Ana presents: “Patrol VOL. 8- Natsuyasumi Hiko Ojisan Issei Torishimari 2012-“
Where: Shibuya O-CREST
Open: 18:30 Start 19:00
Performing: Ana/Turntable Films/Holidays of Seventeen
Advance tickets: 2300 Yen
Day of: 2800 Yen
(Both not including one drink charge)
Playguide: Pia (P:176-543), Lawson (L:75203), e-plus
Advance tickets can also be reserved by emailing ticket@secondroyal.com
Include your name, number of tickets needed, and the date of the show in the email
Questions: O-CREST: 03-3770-1095

Translation by Andrew Brasher

AlunaGeorge 『Your Drums, Your Love』

今話題のロンドンの男女デュオAlunaGeorgeの新曲『Your Drums, Your Love』が公開されました。

歪んだ男性のボーカルと、洗練されたビート。相変わらず素敵な90's R&Bにインスパイアされたキャッチーなコーラス。

"Ive been trading water for your love. Whether I sink or swim it's you I'm thinking of"





Interview:Doldrums (Revisited)

Airick Woodhead of Doldrums is some sort of a strange man, and he knows that it is a compliment. When I first heard of his music on Daytrotter Sessions, he reminded me of Atlas Sound a bit. But the colour of winter and the crispy aroma of burnt wood that arose from his electronic beats, had something completely different from any modern solo artists. I became very, very interested in this man.

In the interview, he talked about what he would have become if he weren't a musician, his early live shows in front of the Coldplay gigs, his appearance on Portishead single, and what the concept of band means to him.

This interview was originally contributed to a Japanese music website called Private Dub in December last year. I had to censor a part of his answers since it seemed a bit too provocative at the time. So it is a full version of the interview. Enjoy!

So who are you? You say you reside in internet?

my name is airick woodhead. i am a 22 year old boy who makes music. i call my music doldrums and people on the internet like it.

How did your music carreer start? Was there a defining moment?

I've been playing since i was 9 or 10. my first gig was playing cello at a canadian folk festival with my friend liam titcomb. afterwards he tried to compensate me with $5, which i politely declined. he told me not to be so humble and forced the crinkly blue $5 into my hand. it was a real game changer for me. i think the doldrums started by having a impromptu drum jam outside of coldplay show in toronto, and then again outside of a 500,000 capacity great big sea show in ottawa. it was raining and there was a huge crowd around us, just singing and banging on shit.

You seem to be intercommunicating between the world of analog and digital, releasing VHS mixtaps and creating band websites in different guise. What's the fascination about it?

what is a band? its a name you assign to make a bunch of people playing music together a product, but usually has this connotation of a bunch of people just BEING THEMSELVES. fuck that! i want to create a fantasy reality if i was into making products i would work at ikea.

in electronic music there has always been this faceless producer aesthetic - the majority of people don't know or care who made what they're dancing to and why should they? the point is that its a real culture, one of the only ways in which we can get together in any viscerally or spiritual context in this agnostic consumer culture. companies and egotistical artists will do everything they can to make it about selling something, and the internet has allowed me to actually get my music out there without having to deal with that bullshit. i make up bands and crap because its a fun way to present my music, it kind of points to some of the problems with the old model of music culture. that was two years ago. now i'm focused on doldrums because it's taking on more of real existense - i didn't think i'd be touring so much or doing proper releases, but now that i am it feels great, and i'm stoked that people are still getting the vibe that this isn't a real band. hehe.

Amongst the other pseudonyms, you have decided to take "Doldrums" moniker, which idea was taken from the children's book "The Phantom Tollbooth".Why is that, and how does it relate to your music?

ah because my music has, you know, drums.

What do you mainly write about? It seems "Empire Sound EP" is dealing with a lot of paranoiac nature of the youth, or the sense of social stagnation, such was heard on "Endless Winter" or "I'm Homesick Sitting Up Here In My Satellite".

endless winter is about finding something personal, something in your life, that made all the spectacle of modern living seems impertinent and unreal, and so you're just staying in your bubble with someone you love. when i wrote it thats what i wanted more than anything in the world, and didn't have it, was still looking. it could be love or it could be a calling or anything. i write about things that i think are too vague for real discussion, which is why the music is equally as important in evoking the feelings. 'social stagnation', yes . . . 'paranoiac nature' of youth, yes . . . hey you read my bio didn't you! my music is about the living in an increasingly alienating modern society.

How old are the songs on the EP? The first time I heard your music was on Daytrotter and you have done many songs from the record.

i don't know . . .1 - 2 years old i think.

Are you planning to release a full-length soon?

yes, it'll be done by the new year i think. probably out in the world in the spring (the people upstairs have convinced me not to just post everything as soon as i make it!)

The cover version of Portishead's "Chase the Tear" was released as their B-side single.How did it come about? How do you feel about it?

man, they heard my cover when i guess they were just googling themselves or something, and they called me up out of nowhere and said, 'hey! we want to put this on the record". i couldn't believe it, obviously i'm a huge fan and to get that kind of a thumbs up from them means a lot to me.

Now the year is ending, could you tell us the 5 records you enjoyed listening to this year?

the chemical brothers - hana soundtrack
atari teenage riot - delete yourself
nine inch nails - ghosts
my bloody valentine - loveless
blue hawaii - blooming summer

If you weren't creating music, what would you be doing?

running a blackmarket operation out of Chernobyl selling irradiated car parts to tourists

Finally, summer or winter?

endless winter :)



GUEST LISTS: 井上陽介(Turntable Films)


今回のゲストは、今年傑作ファースト・フルアルバム『Yellow Yesterdays』を完成させた、京都のほんわかロックバンド、Turntable Filmsのフロントマン井上陽介さんです。当サイトでも何回か紹介させていただいてます。Private Dubのインタビューもチェックです。
前回に引き続き、アーティストの好意により未発表曲、「カジュアルデイ」をSimon Says独占で限定100のフリーダウンロード公開!特集の最後のサウンドクラウドからダウンロードできます。アコギ一本、しかも日本語で(!)歌われた大変貴重な一曲になっています。

Fuji Rock FestivalのM.Ward


The Ventures のDiamond Head






Sonny D のウクレレ

The Red Bird Story のコンピレーション








ジョンレノンのOh Yoko!






Chris WeismenのMessage From Work






Yosuke Inoue Links:
Turntable Films

Live Info

アナ presents "PATROL VOL.8 ~夏休み非行おじさん一斉取締まり2012~"
Open 18:30 START19:00
前売 2,300円 当日 2,800円(それぞれドリンク代別途)
※前売メール予約受付中 → ticket@secondroyal.com にて受け付けます。
お問い合わせ:O-CREST: 03-3770-1095


Bjorkが留置中のロシアのパンクグループPussy RiotにDeclare Independenceを捧げる

今週末Bjorkがフィンランドはヘルシンキのライブで、拘置中のロシアのフェミニスト・パンクグループPussy Riotに『Declare Independence』を捧げました。

Pussy Riot(の中の三人)は何故拘置されているのか。

Pussy Riotは20名以上の女性からなるフェミニスト・パンクグループで今年の2/21日にモスクワの大聖堂(救世主ハリストス大聖堂)で行った政治的なパフォーマンス--いずれもカラフルで女性らしい衣装をみにまとい、「パンク・プレイヤー!聖母マリア!マザー・オブ・ゴッド!フェミニストになれ!」と拳を宙につきあげる---によって三月から投獄されています。

「宗教への嫌悪によって動機付けられたフーリガン行為だ」との理由で告発されていますが、グループの弁護士は「キリスト教生教徒(Orthodox Christian)」への攻撃を意図していて、教会へのダメージや暴力行為、脅迫を誘発してはいない」とクレームしています。このままだと3年間の懲役が宣告されてしまいます。

さてBjorkですが、もともとPussy Riotをステージ場に招いて2008年に発売されたBjork史上最も政治的なアルバム『Volta』収録のDeclare Independenceのパフォーマンスをする予定だったそうです。

彼女はPussy Riotの投獄について自身のwebページに以下のようにコメント:



「Pussy Riotをステージに招待していたけど、ビザを取得出来なかったみたいなので代わりにこの曲を彼女達に捧げました!裁判の結果は今週末!言論の自由に幸あれ!」


Bat For Lashes 『Laura』

Ryan McGinleyによる裸ジャケットも衝撃的だったBat For Lashesの新作『The Haunted Man』。僕はそこからのカット『Laura』の魅力にずっと取り憑かれています。

 前作のファーストシングルとなった『Daniel』は10代の恋愛の愚かさや繊細さを切り取った良作で、Kate BushのRunning Up The Hillと比較されてたりもしたけど、『Laura』は、周りが大人になってからもナイトライフを生き甲斐にする友達への悲哀と慈悲を歌い上げた、シンプルなピアノバラッド。後半で「あなたはこれからも人気者よ。あなたの名前が全ての男の子にタトゥーされているじゃない」と叫ぶナターシャ。


Jessie Ware『Sweet Talk』

以前こちらの記事でも紹介したロンドンの歌姫Jessie Ware。

8月20日に発売予定のデビューアルバム"Devotion" からの新曲がYoutubeにアップされています。


Youtubeに「もうみんな全部投げ出して今すぐ一緒に風呂はいろうぜ (let's all just fuck everything off and take a goddamn bath together right now)」 というコメントがあって、この曲の魅力を端的に表している気がします(笑)。



Interview: James Vincent McMorrow(Revisited)

The following interview was originally published on a Japanese music blog called Private Dub in March this year.

When I first listened to James Vincent McMorrow, it was when he appeared on  Daytrotter Sessions last summer. Around the same time, I started to send many artists a request for an interview for Private Dub. I was totally over the moon when he agreed to do an interview. I thought, "Finally a chance to introduce a brilliant SSW from Ireland to JAPAN!"

Some months and some prodding later (8 months, to be precise), he finally replied saying "I was inspired to write tonight."

And now that 5 months has passed since it was first published, it's time to revisit the interview back in English.

Can you describe yourself to our readers, who may not know much about you?

my name is James Vincent McMorrow, i am a writer of words and a singer of songs, i play music that is loud and quiet in equal measure.

What's your inspiration in writing songs?

everything, anything, i have no clue really, i've never seen something on the television and felt compelled to write a song about it, nothing i do is that reactive or literal, i write in a really abstract fashion and everything is wrapped up in layers of imagery and metaphor, so whatever happens to be inspiring me at that moment is amongst those layers somewhere.

Which lyric are you proudest of writing?

I'm proud of everything i write, but i think i'm most proud of "down the burning ropes', it was the first and only time i've ever sat down with a pen and paper and written a full song from start to finish, lyrics, melody and chords, in about 30 minutes. After i wrote it i tried to repeat the process but it's never worked, the song is a total anomaly.

Originally raised in a punk scene, what made a shift to your current musical aesthetic?

I don't think i have shifted, i mean i never wrote punk or post hardcore music, i just listened to it, and i still do. I never wanted to make that kind of music, i listen to countless other styles of music, i grew up listening to hip hop, i was fascinated by the production, how the songs were put together, that's what led me to learning how to record my own music. When it came to writing my own songs i always knew what i wanted them to sound and feel like, that's never changed.

When did you discover your singing voice? Are you comfortable with it now?

I don't think i ever 'discovered' it necessarily, i was always singing, mostly by myself in my bedroom, i didn't sound like i do now, but i had an idea that if i kept at it, if i kept sitting in front of the piano trying to hit notes, listening to other singers and trying to hear what they were doing, then i'd be able to find my own voice through all that. So it kind of revealed itself to me little by little over time. I think i am pretty comfortable with it now, touring so relentlessly the last 2 years has really changed it, i think i have a better understanding of it now than ever before, and every day it feels as though it's changing and getting stronger, which is really exciting as a musician, thats how it should be, things should never be static.

I heard that the songs on "Early In the Morning" were recorded in an isolated house by the sea. What was the incentive to go hiatus there and make a record on your own?

There was no plan, i wanted to make an album, i don't like studios because they can be so cold and clinical, and i write and arrange while i record, which can take a lot of time, so having no money at the time, a proper studio was never going to work for me. At that point i'd have taken anywhere that was offered to me, all i wanted was somewhere quiet where i could make noise. If it had been in downtown brooklyn i'd have made the record there, i had no real desire to be in such isolation, or make a record in such close proximity to nature, that's just how it worked out. What i didn't realize going into it was how much the location would affect the tone and feel of the songs and the album, that's why i talked about it in interviews, the environment and the album itself ended up being totally linked. All the myth that gets added to the story over time kind of makes me laugh when i read it, people talking about cabins in the woods and things like that, it never was a cabin, it was just a simple and lovely house, one i will remember fondly for the rest of my days.

Can you give a little insight to a song "We Don't Eat"?

not really! Not trying to sound overly awkward or anything, I simply don't like to speak about the meaning behind songs, i think that defeats the purpose a little. A write songs for myself, but they're for others to listen to, obviously they come from a personal place, but whats more important to me is what the people listening are getting from them. If i was to define everything i've ever written, why i wrote it, what it's about, then it would to my mind lessen peoples experience with the song, what it might mean to them, or what they might hear in it..... I know i'm totally overthinking this, it's just always something i've felt strongly about it!

What do you normally do "early in the morning"?

Nothing out of the ordinary, i used to not be a morning person, the majority of my life was lived long after the sun went down, but since i've been touring and traveling that's all changed, i'm up most days just as the sun is rising, or not long afterwards. I love the mornings now, if i'm home in Dublin (which is rare), i like to go for walks along the canal near my house.

Can you recommend us a good movie to watch in Spring?

Hmmmmm, i'm trying to think of a movie that is in someway related to the spring, i guess something to do with flowers blooming or rebirth? Nah, just go watch the Big Lebowski, that movie is good for all seasons.

Which album are you most looking forward to in 2012?

the new Beach House record, i think it's going to be something incredible, every album has been a huge step forward for them, their sound is just becoming so singular and lush, and the songs are incredible.
Also the new Fiona Apple album, assuming it comes out this year, she is a big hero of mine, her albums were such a huge inspiration to me when i was just starting out.

Finally, what can we expect from James Vincent McMorrow this year?

I'm writing at the moment, i hope to record a new record this year, i'm incredibly excited by the new songs and the direction they're moving in. But i also have a lot of shows still to play, the first album is only just coming out in Australia, so i'll go over there, and then we're into festival season, which won't be as relentless as last year, but will still be fairly frantic! Being back in the studio is how i see most of the year unfolding now though, since i've been home i've been in there constantly, i forgot how much i loved just sitting in a room creating sounds out of thin air.



The Luyas "Fifty Fifty"

Montreal-based Canadian rock group The Luyas have just announced a new album, "ANIMATOR", to be released on October 16th from Dead Oceans. Along with, they've put out a new song for free download, called Fifty Fifty.

Compared to the uniquely floaty, perverted, wake-you-up-while-you-sleep-with-a-flashlight sound of their previous album, Fifty Fifty feels a lot more fleshed out, and like they've found "their sound", in a (good) way. They recently did a split 7" with Twin Sister, but I wonder what changes we can expect from the new album.

Looking forward to it.

Also check out the interview I did with them last year on Private Dub (JAPANESE).

Translation by Andrew Brasher

Read this article in Japanese


The Luyasの新曲Fifty Fiftyが公開

カナダはモントリオールを拠点に活動するロックバンドThe Luyasが新作『ANIMATOR』を10月16日にDead Oceansからリリース決定!それにあわせて新曲”Fifty Fifty"が公開されました。Mp3のフリーダウンロードも。

睡眠中にいきなり懐中電灯で目を照らされるような、独特な浮遊感と変態感があった前作までのサウンドと比べて、肉体的でいい意味で腰が据わった音作り。Twin Sisterとのスプリット7"もあったけど、今作は一体どんな進化を遂げているのかな。


そういえば去年Private Dubで突撃インタビューもしました。

7月のMake Believe Mix

パトリック君が運営する日本の音楽紹介サイト、Make Believe Melodiesの7月のミクステが到着。


さて今回の注目は、VoidYouthから傑作EP『Blurrywonder』をドロップしたばかりの東京のビートメイカー、Taquwami(弊サイトの特集にも参加してくれました)。Ç86のコンピレーションにも参加したElen Never Sleeps。そして甘酸っぱいメロディーと、スミスを彷彿とさせるキラキラしたギターサウンドが特徴的な新星BOYISH。

特にElen Never SleepsのSlowの新録バージョンは必聴。晴れた日の鴨川の河川敷で、目を瞑りながら聴くと、夏の思い出がふつふつとよみがえってきそう。



  1. Taquwami
    “Romantic Gaze”
  2. Elen Never Sleeps
     “Slow (Neu)”
    “The Hidden Secrets”
  4. The Paellas
  5. Rapunzel8083
     “Dalí Jazz”

今回はもうひとつGorilla Vs BearのJuly 2012 Mixを紹介。
Gorilla Vs Bearはアメリカのテキサス州を拠点に活動する音楽ブログです。

今回のミックスにはFiona Apple, Frank Oceanのリミックス、そして、Ariel PinkやPanda Bearの新曲まで、トラックリストを見るだけでもお腹いっぱい。かなり聴き応えがありますよ。


01 Diana :: born again 00:00
02 Blood Diamonds feat. Grimes :: phone sex (jensen sportag remix) 03:44
03 Frank Ocean :: thinkin bout you (ryan hemsworth bootleg) 07:22
04 Fiona Apple :: every single night (LOL boys edit) 11:16
05 LOL Boys feat. Heart Streets :: changes (shlohmo remix) 14:56
06 Maria Minerva :: the sound 19:58
07 Puro Instinct :: dream lover 23:40
08 Panda Bear :: soft serve rip curl 27:55
09 Taken By Trees :: dreams 28:47
10 Holy Other :: held 32:34
11 Las Malas Amistades :: duquesa 38:30
12 Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti :: only in my dreams 40:56
13 Mac DeMarco :: my kind of woman 44:02
14 The xx :: angels 47:06
15 Frank Ocean :: bad religion (C & S by slim k) 49:45
16 Frank Ocean :: sweet life 53:32

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